

【勵志語錄】人生如潮起潮落,失望只是暫時的低谷,相信自己,總有一天會翻身【正向思考】 - 蒼野之鷹










Life is like the ebb and flow of the tide, and disappointment is just a temporary low point.

Believe in yourself, and one day you will turn the tide.

























































Sometimes, you may feel disappointed with life, finding that you have worked hard but have not received the expected return, nor have you been able to live the life you want.


Being disappointed with life may stem from not having family love, poor academic performance, not having a rich father, being surrounded by bad people, feeling lonely and alone, wanting to get married but not having a good partner, wanting to buy a house but not having the money, or wanting a good job but only being able to do low-paying jobs.


Life is never perfect, even with many entertainment options that construct a beautiful world for us. However, returning to the real world, we still feel disappointed and dissatisfied with life and our own existence.


These dissatisfactions gradually accumulate into a complaining force, slowly becoming negative energy that erodes you. It makes you feel that life is really boring, why does life always disappoint me, why am I not getting what I want even though I work so hard?


To change this way of thinking, don’t tell yourself that there are still fairy tales in the world. Instead, tell yourself that perhaps what I want cannot be obtained in the way I am currently pursuing, and I should take a different approach.


Because some things may look good but may not be suitable for you, while some things may not look suitable, but you may find out that they are what you want after using them.


Life can never be a fairy tale story. If it is, it is certainly because there are a group of people who have helped you withstand countless storms so that you can live in a fairy tale story.


But most of us do not have this ability or so many people to protect us. We all walk alone in the cold wind until we find suitable companions. If we have not met the right companion for a long time, we can only cheer ourselves up and say that I can still do it, and I will continue to work hard. Perhaps I can get what I want tomorrow.


Feeling very disappointed with life is something that you never need to apologize for, because disappointment is disappointment, and sadness is sadness. Perhaps at that moment, you do not necessarily want to cry.


Because too much disappointment and sadness have made you feel numb, and you even think that maybe your life will continue to be hopeless. Your struggle may not ultimately change anything, and you will not get what you want in the end.


I want to say that in this world, there may be many people and things that disappoint you, and there are too many obstacles that make you feel fearful, confused, and scared about the future.


But you must never be disappointed in yourself.


Your physical and mental health will always be the most important.


Only when your body and mind are healthy can you have the strength to move forward.


If you feel tired both physically and mentally, you may stop and rest instead of rushing to take more steps. Look at the scenery around you and think about where to go next.


Life is a long journey and no one knows what the future holds. It’s like you could be at work today and suddenly your boss calls you to tell you that you’re being laid off due to the economic downturn and poor company revenue.


What can you do in such a situation?


You could either badmouth everyone or tearfully plead with your boss to let you stay by offering to take a pay cut, work overtime for free, or any other conditions.


As an adult facing a layoff, you can only leave silently and swallow your tears.


You know that life goes on because you’re still alive.


Losing this job may be a personal rejection, but you also understand that such a difficult situation won’t happen only once.


You still have to find your next job because you need money to buy food and pay your bills to live properly.


Regardless of when, being alive means you’ll encounter many disappointing things, but no matter how hard life gets, never be disappointed in yourself.


Being disappointed in yourself will lead you to give up on your efforts, dreams, and desires, and struggle in a world you hate.

Author: 蒼野之鷹∣Starryeagle

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